Friday, December 18, 2009


Tired. ish. I guess. Just had a tournament in karate today...and I failed >_>. But got to go to sleep, not writing much today.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eh...Random report.

Whii. Got off a bit early from school for an ortho. Plus we had a party for band today XD. Only a few more days till winter break!

Seems like I'm a little more cheerful today. Hmm. But still just as tired >_>. I definitely failed my math test, for sure. Sigh. Oh well. Can't wait for the weekend, to rest.

Have you ever liked someone where you knew it was infinitely helpless? Not just like they were a popular person, etc. But they were far away from you and you knew you would almost never see them again? It hurts. It doesn't help that you can't see them, and it doesn't help that you really miss them. But that's just a thought.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The past.

Hmm. Haven't posted here, haven't been here in a while. It's winter break soon...well, it starts on the 24th. >_>. Unfortunately. I guess things have been looking up for me more, school has been...okay, life has been okay, I guess.

Have you ever missed the past so much? Like you couldn't bear your current surroundings...and you just really wanted to go back. To see those people who used to be you friends. To live the life you did back then.

Somehow, I've been feeling that more and more. There have been so many people important in my life, yet honestly, I haven't kept that much in contact, and it just isn't the same.