I think I'm really going crazy. I can't stand it anymore.
Look at the picture on the right. I took the picture, then fooled around with the lighting.
We seem so bright, but then look at the shadows we cast. It's flawed beauty.
We are always aiming for the top, always willing to push people down if that's the road to victory.
No one's light is pure. We all have a dark aura surrounding us, no matter how well covered up.
It's judgment.
In a world of superficiality, where do you stand?
Don't give me your fake smiles, your facade, and then perhaps I won't give you mine.
Why do I feel so alone in this world, when I know I'm blessed with beautiful friends.
Why are we all, standing alone.
I get what you mean from this post... I think it's my favorite of your posts so far... nice picture... and good message. It gives me lots to contemplate...