Monday, December 6, 2010

Simple Mindedness

I'm actually quite a simple-minded person, and I honestly just realized that today.  I'm rash, do things on impluse, etc.  That's... a given.  I'm not exactly one who can control my emotions very well.  But I do get happy really easily, which... is a bad thing.  And good, at the same time.

Today, I got on the bus, and as always, on Mondays (and Fridays as well) it's really busy.  So I asked one of my acquantinces/friends if I could sit next to him, I actually haven't spoke with him for a while because we just don't run into eachother, and we go to different schools (the bus contains students from 3 different schools).  He actually went to my elementary school, though he's a year older.  It was actually an enjoyable bus ride, we talked and laughed a bit (this is starting to sound like... a tea party), and he's an interesting guy.  It's rare that after a conversation, I find myself returning back to it again and again.  His eyes are like... green globes, though not clear, they are striking.  It was a good day, today.  

Yesterday was actually pretty good also.  Went to Chinese school, same as usual.  But after I talked on the phone with my sister in college, I started reading Hunter X Hunter (it's actually pretty good), and I watched 5 Centimeters Per Second.  

It was one of the most beautiful anime I have ever watched.  It had amazing scenery, and the thing that got to me most of all was the meaning of it.  It was basically, flat out: Life.  Life doesn't have perfect endings, and you begin to lose yourself as you get older, and loving someone hurts, and it worsens when you don't feel anything at all. It was sad, conflicted... yet peaceful.  

In the morning, I read the manga Seven Days.  There was a happy ending... yet I felt it was sad, for a strange reason. Well... who knows. 

Enough of my strangeness >_>.

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