A few lights flicker on the screen, and then it starts - pitch black. Oh, wait. There's a voice. A quiet one, quiet yet strong. One that stands for itself. She's... speaking. Words, appearing and flashing on the screen.
Here's her life story, all faded and vintage looking - blurred with memories. Faces, that pass by her. People, walking by her. Yet... she's all alone. Once in a while, someone will stay for a while, talk, chat. She'll be happy. But soon enough, everyone leaves. She's just standing, sitting there, all alone. Aging. Crying. Choking on thin air. Living without life.
The ones she's loved have been lost, the people she treasured have left. She was left there, split between two sides. A dark, angry side that became stronger, and shed no more tears. Yet hidden behind that face was a small girl who wanted nothing more than her past back, wanted the people she loved. Wanted to cry her heart out.
Eventually... her story goes on. She's the girl who fakes a smile with her friends everyday, forces a laugh. Forces herself to try hard, to listen to people. At night, she goes and cries silent tears into her pillow, listens to sad rock music.
She's nothing but a person, trying to be who she really is.
Here the tale ends, the flickering lights stop and a silence fills the room,
a tangible dark, heavy silence.
Lights turn on, and people shuffle out of the room, struggling to interpret what they just saw.
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