My birthday came and passed, once again. It was... quite hectic, actually. I got a lot of gifts that were epically awesome from my friends. Plus... I got my locker decorated. I must say, it was a bit embarrassing when I had to get stuff out (there were random people in the halls saying Happy Birthday to me)
Both my sisters came back for their Spring Break - they came and went like a blur. I always hate it when they leave, but it always happens. Even in the summer, I don't get to see them as often because they work. But we had fun, in these... two weeks.
School has been incredibly busy (kind of). I'm sort of worn out, but luckily it's the end of the quarter.
Just yesterday, during my English class, I had the class competition for the Dramatic Arts Festival. Each year, there is a theme. Each student must pick or write a piece/poem that fits into one of these three categories: serious, humorous, or original. There is a class competition, then the winners compete against the other English class in that same period. Those winners go to the grade level assemblies, then those winners compete against eachother. Last year I made it to the grade level assembly. This year, there were so many good competitors in my class, I don't know how well I did. But even id I don't move on, I think I made an impact on the people I spoke out to.
These days, these days somehow just drag on or blur together, like paint. Today, I went down to see the cherry/sakura blossoms which were in bloom. It was cold, but the blossoms were beautiful.
My memories that I had hoped would be burned into my mind forever... they're starting to fade. The worst thing is, I can't do anything, neither do I feel much.
I would also like to shout out to Japan. I honestly hope that whatever can be done will be done. The nuclear plants are reacting... and there are people who still are to be found. Please, don't let them suffer anymore.